In 2020, OCGA elected to better represent changes in canola acreage in Ontario, as well new growth potential for Winter Canola in southern Ontario by realigning the OCGA District Areas.
The current Ontario Canola District Areas are:
- District 1 – Northern Ontario – North of Tobermory
- District 2 – Central Ontario – South of Tobermory, North of Guelph, West of Pickering
- District 3 – Eastern Ontario – East of Pickering
- District 4 – Southern Ontario – South of Guelph
Board of Directors
- Will Runnalls- Chair
- Simon Cloutier- Vice-Chair
- Jon Wiley- Secretary/Treasurer
- Jennifer Doelman
- Jeff Curry
- Jason Seed
- Tim Danard
- Ian Toll
- Ryan Koeslag, Executive Director
- Marianne Muth– Communications Coordinator
Directors contribute to 5 Canola Board meetings annually as well as appointments to various committees and external organizations.
Appointments to the OCGA board are 3 year terms for a maximum of 3 terms.
OCGA is represented on the Canadian Canola Growers Association, Farm and Food Care, the Ontario Agricultural Commodity Council and the Ontario Grain Financial Protection Program.
District Representatives
District #1
Northern Ontario — North of Tobermory
Will Runnalls ***
Simon Cloutier ***
Jason Seed ***
Dennis Jibb
Terry Phillips
District #2
South of Tobermory, North of Guelph, West of Pickering
Jeff Curry ***
Tim Danard ***
Jon Wiley ***
Christine Wyville
Clayton Dietz
Deb Campbell
Nick Cressman
District #3
Eastern Ontario — East of Pickering
Jennifer Doelman ***
Kelsey Banks
Terry Kelly
District #4
Southern Ontario —South of Guelph
Ian Toll ***
Scott Mc Lean
*** denotes Director
District Representatives are appointed for 3 year terms and attend the annual District Reps meeting in January (day before OCGA Annual Meeting).
They are valued members of the OCGA team, contributing an important outreach role in each of their geographical areas.
Ontario Canola Growers Association Mandate
The Ontario Canola Growers Association strives to support Ontario canola producers through:
- Direction of canola related research
- Communication of canola production and research information
- Producer education programs
- Acting as Ontario canola growers’ voice to industry and government.
- Encouragement of market opportunities suitable to Ontario canola production.